阿榮福利味/XRen QRCode Tool - QRCode製作讀取軟體


QRCode製作及讀取免費軟體 - XRen QRCode Tool,製作QRCode的方法:在文字欄位(Plain Text)輸入要製作的文字或網址→按下製作按鈕(Encode)產生專屬QRCode小圖示→按儲存按鈕儲存爲圖片;讀取QRCode的方法:按開啓舊檔按鈕→按下讀取按鈕(Decode)→內容顯示於純文字欄位(Plain Text)。(阿榮)(下載)

XRen QRCode is a small application that will help you generate a QRcode Image from any text info and decode the info from the generated image in a snap.You can make qr code with this qr code generator when producing images from any text info as well as decode qr code info from the image using a single click.(SoftPedia)

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