感謝南韓神救援!墨航「飛南韓機票8折」 球迷高舉歐巴歡慶
▲ 墨西哥、南韓球迷在27日比賽結束後慶祝拍照留念。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)
綜合外媒報導,雖然墨西哥0:3敗給瑞典,但因德國27日戰績掛零,幸運攜手瑞典晉級16強。而數百名墨西哥球迷抹去戰敗的哀傷,在南韓駐墨西哥大使館外聚會歡慶;此外,墨西哥球迷也把韓國人高舉空中,感謝他們的「神救援」。推特上更出現「#GraciasCorea 」的Hashtag標籤。
Current mood:#graciascorea pic.twitter.com/RA5TDYKOWW
Viral video in #Mexico: a Korean tourist in downtown Mexico City became the hero of the Mexican soccer fans, as the S.Korean victory vs. Germany at the #Worldcup2018Russia helped @miseleccionmx pass to the next round. #vamosMéxico #GraciasCorea pic.twitter.com/Qd8jXAYTeu
¡Te amamos Corea! Nuestros vuelos de México a Corea tienen 20% de descuento. #VolamosConTodo #GraciasCorea https://t.co/vCVAlmJ3Hl pic.twitter.com/i8WJWJV8wE
That’s the Korean consul general to Mexico, Byoung-Jin Han, celebrating with grateful Mexican fans outside the Korea embassy here. One fan said he took a shot of tequila with them earlier. pic.twitter.com/NGWEmRADUW