金塊莫瑞誤傳性愛影片 女友道歉強調「那是我們的私事」



受到新冠肺炎影響,NBA進入無限期停賽,各球星也紛紛以身作則,待在家進行自主隔離。然而,日前金塊主控莫瑞(Jamal Murray)卻突然在個人社羣貼出與女友的性愛影片,雖事後莫瑞澄清是遭到駭客入侵,但這也讓他的女友漢佩爾(Harper Hempel)聲名大噪。經過幾天沉澱後,漢佩爾公開向大衆道歉,也希望大家停止轉傳相關影片。


First and foremost, I want to say that we all make mistakes however I feel like this needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, an explicit video of me was accidentally uploaded to Jamal’s account which should have never made it there in the first place. I’d like to take this moment to apologize to any fans, kids, and the public in general who may have seen it. With that being said, this is OUR personal business and the slandering/sharing of this content needs to be stopped. Thanks for anyone who has been understanding and supportive at this time and I’m so grateful for that. Thank you

Harper Hempel(@officialharperhempel)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 22 日 下午 2:33 張貼

