快訊/川普造勢爆槍響! 美特勤局證實「前總統很安全」




CNN報導,川普發言人Steven Cheun表示,前總統「很好」,「川普總統感謝執法單位與急救人員在這起令人髮指的行徑中迅速採取行動。他很好,並且正在當地醫療設施接受檢查。」

另據NBC報導,美國特勤局(Secret Service)發言人古列爾米(Anthony Guglielmi)也表示,在造勢大會上明顯聽見多起槍聲後,前總統川普被「安全」護送下臺。

JUST IN: A Secret Service spokesperson says former President Donald Trump is "safe" after being escorted off the stage at his rally after apparent gunshots were heard. pic.twitter.com/q4L4okG4fE

Secret Service Spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi released the following statement regarding a security incident at the July 13 Trump rally in Pennsylvania.Follow @SecretSvcSpox for additional updates as they are released. https://t.co/EuaCgRFMM4