快訊/紐約猶太會堂遭攻擊!兇嫌持彎刀「刺進教徒胸部」 5人送醫搶救

Three Jews stabbed in a synagogue in Monsey tonight. An intruder came into Rabbi Rottenberg's shul with a machete.There are no words to describe the anxiety of this moment. pic.twitter.com/F4VBhNWMpz




Stabbing In Monsey now A few victims on Forshey Rd By a shul pic.twitter.com/YuYBb5iPUG

當地猶太公共事務委員會(rthodox Jews Public Affairs Council)表示,他們在28日晚間9點多接獲通報,總共有5人遭到刺傷,目前已經全數送往醫院,「有2人失血過多,情況較危急,其中1人被刺了至少6刀。」


3 people reported stabbed just before 10 pm Saturday near synagogue on Forshay Road in Monsey. Police requesting county aviation to launch for lights and search and requesting all K9s in county available to respond.