疫情加劇種族主義!亞裔父帶兒逛超市突遭砍傷 縫針蔓延整臉

亞裔父親帶着兒子出門卻無端遭到攻擊。(圖/翻攝自臉書/Robert and his dad Bawi Cung Nung)


新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情造成全球人心惶惶,似乎也掀起排華情緒美國德州14日發生一起攻擊事件,當時緬甸男子Bawi Cung Nung與兒子羅伯特(Robert)正在逛超市,怎料突遭一名19歲男子持刀傷害,父子倆的臉部都受到傷害。

綜合外媒報導,19歲的戈麥斯(Jose Gomez)爲西班牙裔,他已被拘留。回到14日晚間7時許,當時Bawi Cung Nung與家人來到德州米德蘭(Midland)的一家超市購物結果他與兒子竟無端遭到戈麥斯攻擊,父子臉部都被刺中,尤其孩子傷勢嚴重,社羣媒體上的相片還可見到縫線蔓延到眼睛

過程中,另一名超市員工試圖壓制戈麥斯,不幸也受傷。米德蘭市長佩頓(Patrick Payton)說明,聯邦調查局(FBI)正協助釐清案情


On March 14, 2020, at 7:28 in Midland, Texas. Bawi Cung Nung and his son Robert were attacked with knife by Jose Gomez. Both the father and son were stabbed in the face. Robert was stabbed severely. The Hispanic attacker, Jose Gomez is only 19 years old. He has been taken into custody. During this encounter, an employee of Sam’s Club was also injured while trying to take down the attacker. Why did he stab them? Although we cannot get an answer right now due to the condition of the victims. Since the COVID-19 originated from China, many believe this is an act of racism. However, some believe that this was an act of fighting for product they need. If there’s any updates on the case, we’ll keep you guys posted. (Update: it was confirm that the attack was racially motivated) Admins Note: This is really getting out of hands now. I’m not even worry about the virus itself anymore, I’m more scared and concerned for the hate and racism toward Asians. I can’t stop thinking about our parents who have to go to work or go grocery shopping, and how they could potentially get verbally or physically attack. The fact that other minorities are the one doing is mind-boggling. I don’t feel safe anymore, and I’m sure many of you feel the same way. The ignorance and stupidity is just mind blowing. Time to start carrying weapons now for self-defense. If you see micro-aggression or any blatant racism toward chin people or Asians in general, you better intervene. Call them out of their racism, hatred, stupidity, and ignorance.

Chin Insider(@chininsider)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 15 日 上午 11:18 張貼