影/知名瑜珈Pure Yoga退出臺灣市場 1/25結束營業!
知名瑜珈健身中心瑜珈Pure Yoga拋出震撼彈,該公司在臉書專頁宣佈將於1/25退出臺灣市場。有網友在該篇聲明下方留言指出,「我纔剛籤新約⋯傻眼」、「不知道會不會有人接手」、「怎麼回事啊這麼突然」,對於Pure Yoga突然撤出臺灣市場的決定感到錯愕。
▲知名瑜珈健身中心瑜珈Pure Yoga拋出震撼彈,該公司在臉書專頁宣佈將於1/25,退出臺灣市場。(圖/PURE YOGA提供)
我們非常遺憾地宣佈臺灣Pure Yoga將於2019年1月25日結束營業,衷心地感謝臺灣地區的瑜珈社羣這十二年以來一路相伴,共同學習與成長。考量目前臺灣市場的投資狀況不如預期,我們不捨地作出這個艱難的決定,此變動僅限於臺北分公司,集團於香港、新加坡、上海與北京各地之分公司將維持正常營運,不受影響,並按原計劃持續進行拓展,包含下個月將於上海世紀匯廣場開幕的Pure Fitness與Pure Yoga,與新加坡共和大廈的Pure Yoga全新的三個據點。
We’re sorry to say that Pure Yoga Taiwan will be closing on 25 January 2019. We’ve had 12 great years practicing with, and learning from, the Taiwan yoga community, and we thank every one of you for being part of the journey. Unfortunately we’ve had to make a tough decision in light of the current market situation as the Taiwan market is not currently financially viable for us. . This is specific to our Taiwan business and has no impact on Pure Group operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai and Beijing, where our expansion is continuing as planned – this includes the opening of 3 new locations next month; Pure Fitness and Pure Yoga in Century Link, Shanghai, and Pure Yoga in Republic Plaza, Singapore.