有人持武器狂奔!澳洲購物中心急疏散 民衆奔逃



澳洲城市阿得雷德(Adelaide)最大購物中心「Westfield Marion Shopping Centre」23日下午發生有人持武器追逐的事件,購物中心隨即發佈警報進行疏散封鎖。依據社羣平臺流傳的影片,可見武裝警力衝進商場內部,數十名顧客試着逃生躲避。


#HAPPENING NOW: Westfield Marion shopping centre is in lockdown, with police advising the public to stay away from the area.Numerous police patrols are in attendance.More to come. #9News pic.twitter.com/8vpz1P1DCA

BREAKING: 7NEWS has obtained vision of the moment chaos unfolded inside the food court of Westfield Marion. Two groups of youths are seen fighting and running moments before a lockdown of the shopping centre. https://t.co/zFxGyAppN4 #7NEWS pic.twitter.com/uh7E9aVn6G



Westfield Marion Shopping Centre is being evacuated as police respond to reports of an armed offender.Phone vision from the developing scene at Westfield Marion reportedly shows shoppers hiding in a Target staff room, while others have been evacuated on the Target roof.The… pic.twitter.com/25mUTVOf3d