2歲浪浪成「皮包骨骷髏」見人就怕 「以肉會友」卸心防 


美國北卡羅來納州一隻叫做Groove的狗狗吸引許多網友目光,他身上根根肋骨清晰可見,僅剩皮包骨且非常畏懼人類動物救援單位Guilford County Animal Services救援時,發現這隻2歲狗狗嚴重營養不良,而他的身上沒有任何識別飼主的標誌晶片

Groove has started the next stage of her journey with Chasin' Tail Rescue ! We want to thank everyone both in our community and around the world for their outpouring of love and support for Groove. It warms our hearts to see and pets like Groove that come through our shelter are why we strive every day to help the homeless animals of Guilford County. We will be following Groove as she progresses through her recovery and will post updates as we receive them from Chasin’ Tail Rescue. Happy Tails, Sweet Groove! #HappyTails #Guilfordcountyanimalservices


▲Groove吃完肉肉便讓第一次見面志工摸摸。(圖/翻攝自Guilford County Animal Services)

目前Groove轉由中途團隊照顧,牠很快就「以食會友」,吃了志工手上的肉肉讓對方摸摸,還願意自己攀上車,準備開始全新狗生。希望領養Groove的信件雪片般飛來,甚至有遠在澳洲家庭表達意願,不過中途團隊Guilford County Animal Services表示,現在Groove還不適合送養,會先把這隻落難狗狗照顧到正常的體態,再尋覓合適的新家人

▲Groove現在已經變成吃肉肉達人,等身體養壯就能找新家啦。(圖/翻攝自Guilford County Animal Services)


►獨/好友遭輾殺...雲林小白狗消失2天找到了! 已被他收養

►想哄小孩睡覺!喵保母「1分鐘就倒」 網笑瘋:爸爸顧兒模式

►空籠子送洗美容師傻眼:貓呢? 「背景實體化」笑翻網:沒開車燈

高捷萌貓站長「蜜柑」放低溫假 賴牀捲成球:天冷不想努力!

►想上岸產卵...路殺斑龜殼碎「掉出一窩蛋」 目擊者慟:牠還在爬行




