



羅蘭德受《Dazed China》之邀,拍攝一系列「詭譎」風格照片,他也一改以往金長髮的造型,罕見將頭髮全往後梳,油頭綁起小馬尾,一樣戴着招牌眼鏡帥度依舊。

LOVELESS WITH ROLAND The most romantic “emotional companion” industry in the world is being developed in Japan, where loneliness prevails. In the “notorious” Kabukicho in Shinjuku, Tokyo, the artists of conversation and seduction will try their best to convince their clients, letting them believe that they are the most important ones on this planet, and entice them to spend more on drinks. ROLAND has been the best one for 7 years consecutively, and he is “The new king of male host in Japan”. Presenter Jacky Liang Chief Producer Wen Executive Producer Marc Director YUEN HSIEH @yuenhsieh Producer Jason DOP Gainpaolo Still Photography Chixi @chixi2002 Line Producer YAO and Lola CAST Roland @roland_0fficial Seika Shirakawa @10.226 KIEN @kienryuu HIRARI IKEDA @ikedahirari Stylist Maiko @maikoshib Venue THE CLUB @theclub_0fficial and Bay Hotel Akihabara #86Dazed #DazedDigital

dazedchina_official(@dazedchina)分享的貼文 於 PST 2020 年 2月 月 13 日 下午 7:07 張貼




