GT Show再登Speedhunters,中國汽車文化的種子正在蔚然成林

作爲不斷推動中國汽車文化發展的GT Show,在2023年展會後很榮幸通過網友的投稿登上了Speedhunters的頭條,讓全世界喜愛汽車、改裝車的朋友看到了,做到了一定意義上的文化輸出。

2024 GT Show 無論是規模、嘉賓、展車上相比去年都有了更多的驚喜。也正是如此,吸引到了更多喜愛汽車文化,改裝車的人們到場參觀,而他們當中有了又一位將GT Show報道在Speedhunters上的,無比熱愛汽車文化的忠實粉絲。

Bruno Han不僅通過客觀的描述,再現了本屆GT Show的精彩,更是通過鏡頭的捕捉把現場的亮點、展車、場面,儘可能多的呈現給了世界車迷。

As the sun fell towards the horizon, casting its warm glow over the bustling streets of Suzhou, a new chapter in Chinese car culture unfolded last weekend.


Since 2017, the GT Show has celebrated China’s growing interest in modified cars. Now, that interest is surging.

從2017年開始,GT Show便紮根蘇州,通過展會的形式不斷推動着中國汽車文化的發展,也一路見證了中國車迷對改裝車日益增長的興趣與熱情。如今,這份熱情與興趣依舊在猛增。

From supercars and sports machines to rugged off-roaders, the diversity displayed at the Suzhou International Expo Center during GT Show 2024 mirrors the kaleidoscope of dreams and aspirations held by local enthusiasts.

展會現場從超跑、性能車再到粗獷的越野車,2024 GT Show中多種多樣的展車映射出一衆愛好者們的夢想與抱負。

The explosion of automotive content on social media platforms has turbocharged enthusiasm for car culture over the past few years. A new generation of car-loving kids, weaned on games like Need for Speed, are now stepping into driver’s seats in the real world.

在互聯網短視頻井噴的年代,越來越多的年輕人可以通過各種汽車類視頻內容來滿足和激發出自己心中對於汽車的熱情。對於新一代愛車的孩子們來說,GT Show對於多元化車型的呈現,可以讓他們告別屏幕,切實地感受它們的魅力。

During this three-day event, the spotlight gleamed brightest when high-profile actor Daniel Wu unveiled his hotly anticipated Nissan 400Z. The assembled crowd held their phones aloft, eagerly awaiting this automotive revelation like pilgrims at the altar of horsepower.

自帶流量的吳彥祖今年再次來到GT Show,這次協同個人座駕—日產Z亮相Inozetek展位。人羣擁簇在這裡,高舉手機和相機,熱切的期待着他們的出現。

Amidst the exhibition, Simon Garage’s booth stole my heart with a Mini and two Celicas meticulously crafted over three years. The attention to detail these cars possess left onlookers gobsmacked.


The 1087X booth was one of the liveliest spots at this year’s event. The RC drift playground drew constant crowds, but Chinese drift queen Echo and YouTuber Leoleogh’s sleek new Supra build stole the spotlight. That’s not all, though.

In the far corner of the booth sat a Chang’an Xingguang micro truck. This Chinese charmer – the base model having been inspired by Suzuki’s ST30 Carry from the ’80s – rocked a JDM custom car vibe. Standout features included a rear wing-turned-front lip and an exhaust shaped like a giant ‘6’ – a nod to gaming ‘campers’. This little beast even blows bubbles!


老六車庫出品的長安歐雅小卡車,完成了“挑戰20天參展GT Show”這項似乎不可能完成的任務。尾翼改造的前脣、極具代表性的“6”字型排氣都是足夠讓它出圈的特點。

Six RAUH-Welt Begriff Porsches made a triumphant return to GT Show 2024. While the allure of RWB may no longer be novel, each Akira Nakai creation still commands attention.

多個展位帶來的RWB 作品組成了一道亮麗的風景線。

With an increasing presence of Chinese car brands at the show, the NIO ET5T has become a darling of the modified car scene, especially among those with a penchant for high-performance wagons. This Shylock build ticked all the boxes.Then there’s the Deepal SL03, this one modified by Leoleogh and equipped with an active ground effect system and what looked like four missile pods at the rear. It was as attention-grabbing as it is innovative.


I also witnessed the torch-passing of automotive culture; parents passionately explained car modifications to their kids, some barely reaching the height of a bosozoku-style exhaust pipe.

GT Show致力於種草汽車文化,讓我們的汽車文化有所傳承,我們也非常樂於見到許多家長帶着孩子來參觀,並熱衷於爲他們普及汽車文化知識。iAcro展位上這臺極具JDM風格的咬地鯊顯然引起了這位小車迷的注意。

At the GT Show 2024, Chinese car culture roared louder than ever. It is clear: passion fuels innovation, and the future of automotive artistry in China is very bright.

在2024 GT Show上,中國汽車文化顯得格外耀眼。顯然,激情推動創新與發展,我們希望中國汽車文化的未來一片光明。

圖文原創:Bruno Han
