Guangzhou Conghua: FIM MiniGP China Series concludes successfully

On September 22nd, the 2024 Hennissy FIM MiniGP China Series and the GCIC OHVALE Junior Championship took place at the Guangzhou Conghua International Circuit. After intense competition, two young riders were selected to represent China in the FIM MiniGP World Series in Spain this November. China is the 20th country to successfully host the FIM MiniGP event, and the finals received significant international attention, with representatives from seven countries' motorcycle racing event organizations in attendance.

He Jiandong, full-time vice chairman of the Federation of Automobile and Motorcycle Sports of China, stated that this event marks a milestone in the development of youth motorcycle sports in China.

Thanks to their outstanding performances in the first four selection races, riders Huang Tingnuo and Liu Shanxu secured the top two spots, earning qualification for the World Series. They will represent China alongside exceptional riders selected from 22 other countries in this prestigious competition.

Mr. Cataldo Cianciaruso, the Deputy Consul General of Consulate General of the Republic of Italy in Guangzhou, expressed that this event is not only a thrilling race but also a celebration of cultural exchange and friendship. He noted that this platform provides an opportunity for China and Italy to deepen their understanding of each other's cultures and strengthen mutual ties.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud


9月22日,2024軒尼斯門窗國際摩聯MiniGP中國站總決賽暨GCIC OHVALE青少年錦標賽在廣州從化國際賽車場舉行,經過激烈角逐最終選拔出兩名青少年車手,將在今年11月代表中國出戰在西班牙舉辦的MiniGP全球總決賽。中國是全球第二十個成功引進FIM MiniGP賽事的國家,中國站的總決賽也受到了國際上的廣泛關注,7個國家摩托車運動賽事IP負責人出席了本次活動。



意大利駐廣州總領事館副總領事Cataldo Cianciaruso先生表示,此次賽事不僅是一場速度與激情的比賽,還是一次文化交流和友誼的盛宴,“通過這個平臺,中意兩國有機會更深入地瞭解彼此的文化,增進相互間的友誼。”

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