老家就在德州!民主黨新星激動哽咽 中斷競選行程提早返家

Beto O'Rourke: "I am incredibly saddened. It is very hard to think about this. But I'll tell you, El Paso is the strongest place in the world. This community's going to come together. I'm going back there right now to be with my family, to be with my hometown." pic.twitter.com/qkm5JTe7FB

▲ 歐洛克受訪時情緒激動。


美國德州艾爾巴索(El Paso)3日賣場爆發大規模槍擊案,目前已有多名民主黨人士表態,抨擊全美槍枝協會的擁槍政策。而家鄉在艾爾巴索的民主黨總統參選人歐洛克(Beto O`Rourke)聽聞消息後情緒激動,不但落淚且聲音變得有些顫抖,宣佈縮短內華達州加州競選行程,提早返家,「我要與我的家人、家鄉在一起。」




El Paso is one of the strongest places in the world—and if there were ever a moment to be strong, it's this one. Strong for one another, for the families who have lost somebody, and for the first responders. Please go to https://t.co/ecw9y18OSP to support our community. pic.twitter.com/FFgLPbXNIY



前副總統拜登(Joe Biden)強調槍擊案是種病態現象主張打擊全美槍枝協會(NRA)與相關業者。紐澤西州參議員布克(Cory Booker)則支持槍枝改革,呼籲要在另個社區、下一位國人死亡之前做出改變。麻州參議員華倫(Elizabeth Warren)則警告,「我們必須現在就要動起來,來終結國內的槍枝暴力氾濫。」

Any illusion we had that progress is inevitable—or that the change we need is going to come of its own accord—is shattered in moments like this. It is on every single one of us to meet this moment with everything we've got as a country. We will make this right. pic.twitter.com/s0qVYlxyQp