馬查多朝道奇休息室丟球引爭議 教士教頭:他無惡意

▲席爾特(Mike Shildt)。(圖/路透)


道奇與教士系列賽7日賽事發生小插曲,教士明星三壘手馬查多(Manny Machado)朝向道奇休息室丟球,讓道奇總教練羅伯斯(Dave Roberts)感覺相當不尊重;今天(9日)G3賽前記者會時,教士主帥席爾特(Mike Shildt)則認爲馬查多此舉沒有任何惡意。

Mike Shildt on if Manny Machado intended to hit Dave Roberts with his throw:“No, I don’t think there was any intent at all with that. Manny has exceptional arm talent. I think he proved that on the triple play.” pic.twitter.com/ErYuy9QDdY

事件導火線是來自道奇先發投手弗拉赫提(Jack Flaherty)對教士隊塔提斯(Fernando Tatis Jr)投出觸身球,塔提斯被砸時就面露不滿,馬查多也無法接受。就在弗拉赫提三振後,又對馬查多狂噴髒話,於是雙方隔空你來我往嗆聲。


Jack Flaherty and Manny Machado are still chirping at each other pic.twitter.com/CsCa3wqVe4



Padres manager Mike Shildt was asked if he thinks that Manny Machado was in any way trying to hit Dave Roberts with a throw. Shildt: “No, I don’t think there was any intent at all with that. Manny’s got exceptional arm talent. I think he proved that on the triple play.” pic.twitter.com/i4tm4nDkLg
