

2000年5月20日,民進黨陳水扁就任中華民國總統,他宣佈「四不一沒有」大陸政策,即不宣佈獨立,不改變國號,不推動兩國論入憲,不推動改變現狀的統獨公投,沒有廢除《國統綱領》及國統會的問題。中國大陸的迴應是「聴其言,觀其行」。2006年6月27日下午,陳水扁在總縂府接見美國亞洲基金會㑹長傅勒博士(Willian Fuller)等人,表示新政府願意接受海基、海協兩會,92年的「一箇中國,各自表述」共識,但大陸方面卻不承認有這項共識。當晚總統府高層指出,陳水扁的立塲與520、620演說一致,不代表總統接受「一箇中國原則」。





















Talk to Lee Kuan Yew on the "92 Consensus"

Lee Ching Ping ,Deputy Secretary-General of Strait Exchange Foundation, former General Manager ,China Broadcasting Corporation)Published on October 6, 2015 in the U.S. World Journal

On May 20, 2000, the Democratic Progressive Party Chen Shuibian took office as President of the Republic of China. He announced the "Four Nos, Ones and Nos" mainland policy, that is, not to declare independence, not to change the national title, not to promote the two-state theory into the constitution, and not to promote the change of the status quo. The National Unification and Independence referendum did not abolish the National Unification Program and the National Unification Council. Mainland China’s response is "to listen to what you say and watch what you do." On the afternoon of June 27, 2006, Chen Shui-bian met with Dr. Willian Fuller, the head of the Asia Foundation of the United States, and others at the General Office. "One China, each statement“,but the mainland does not recognize this consensus. At the same time, the senior officials of the Presidential Office pointed out that Chen Shui-bian’s ritual was consistent with the 520 and 620 speeches, and it did not mean that the president had accepted the "one China principle."

On June 28, Tsai Ing-wen, then chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council, held an emergency press conference in the evening to clarify that Chen Shui-bian’s talk on the "One China" issue at the 620 press conference was spiritual and content. Consistent. "One China, each statement" is our term used to describe the process of the 1992 talks. The two sides of the strait have never reached a consensus on the "one China principle."

Chen Shui-bian’s remarks and Tsai Ing-wen’s clarification were major events on both sides of the strait at that time and had far-reaching impact. Because the mainland policy of the Chen Shui-bian government denied the existence of the "1992 Consensus", the original foundation of mutual trust between the two sides of the strait was shaken. As a result, the Association Relations Across The Taiwan Straits(ARATS)suspended the negotiations with SEF for eight years.

In early November 2000, Vice Chairman Wu Boxiong of the Chinese Kuomintang will lead a delegation to Longyan, Fujian in his personal capacity to participate in the "World Hakka Conference" on November 17. Vice Chairman Wu specially invited me, Zhang Ronggong, and Li Jianrong to accompany the delegation to visit。After the news was published in the newspaper, it attracted the attention of the Singapore Office in Taipei, because this was the first visit to the mainland by the vice chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang since 1949. Although the visit was in a private capacity, it still had a certain degree of significance. In addition, the reason for the "92 Consensus", the relevant parties in Singapore, also want to know the real situation. For these reasons, the representative of the Singapore Office in Taipei Xu Guofeng met with me in early November and invited me to go to Singapore to meet with Lee Kuan Yew. At that time, my job was the general manager of China Broadcasting Corporation.

At 5:45 pm on November 10, I met with Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew at the Prime Minister's Office of Singapore, accompanied by Wang Zexiong, an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore. I received very cordially and informed that today is Singapore’s official language, English, as the language of the talks between the two parties.

First of all, I would like to state that it is my honour to have the opportunity to meet an important politician in the world. At the same time, I would like to thank the Singaporean government for the Assistance with our delegation. At that time, I served as the deputy secretary-general of the SEF, participated in the "Koo-Wang Talks" and was responsible for contacting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore.

When I brought Mr. Hu Zhiqiang as former Minister of Foreign Affairs, the post and newspaper clippings about "One China" issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of my country were sent to Mr. Li for reference.

I explained to him that on November 17 this year, I will accompany Vice Chairman Wu Boxiong of the Chinese Kuomintang to the Mainland in a private capacity to participate in the "World Hakka Conference" in Longyan, Fujian, but I do not rule out the opportunity to meet with the mainland high-level officials. My judgment is nothing more than to talk about how to rebuild cross-strait relations and how to exchange views on promoting party-party exchanges. In 2001, the Chinese Kuomintang think tank will conduct academic discussions with think tank experts and scholars from the mainland.

I explained to Senior Minister Li that on November 3, 1992, under the instructions of the Mainland Affairs Council, the SEF formally wrote to the ARATS. Regarding the one-China principle, we suggested that we should "express each one in a verbal statement." The Deputy Secretary-General Sun Yafu of the ARATS informed the Secretary-General Chen Rongjie of the Straits Foundation by phone, "ARATS will fully respect and accept your proposal." On November 16, the ARATS faxed an important letter to formally accept our proposal. , "To express the one-China principle in an oral statement."“But during the talkson cross-straits administrative affairs betwen ARATSand SEF ,the political implications of ‘the one China principle’shall not be touched on”

At 4 pm on November 17, Huang Kunhui, then chairman of the MAC, convened a high-level meeting of the two organitions and decided not to respond to the letter for the time being, but instructed me (the then deputy secretary-general of the SEF) to represent the two organizations in the Mainland. In the press conference room, a press conference was held to explain our position.

When meeting with dozens of media reporters, I stated that "to the ARATS’ letter of November 16th, I would like to accept our suggestions and express our welcome in a verbal statement. However, we believe that both sides have expressed this. The position and principle of this issue have been expressed separately in the Hong Kong talks, and there is no need to agree to express them at the same time." On December 3, the Straits Foundation wrote to the ARATS that the specific content of the oral statement was expressed in accordance with the "National Unification Program" and the National Unification Council's resolution on the meaning of "one China".

I explained to Senior Minister Li the position of the KMT on "One China". "One China" refers to the Republic of China established in 1912. We recognize that China was split into two parts in 1949. One is the Taiwan region and the other is the Mainland China region。

China is currently in the process of peaceful reunification. In the future, we hope for a democratic, free, and prosperous China. Even though former President Lee published "Special State-to-State Relations" on July 9, 1999, Su Qi, the chairman of the Mainl…
