影/我們能幫忙!紐西蘭總理po口罩機器影片「有亮點」 原來是來自臺灣!


紐西蘭總理阿爾登(Jacinda Ardern)日前曾大讚臺灣抗疫反應,近日更在臉書分享口罩生產影片,裡頭的製造機具就是臺灣來的。新北市鶯歌的一家業者坦言,除了紐西蘭,已經有超過12個國家下單排隊等購買口罩製造機,已經排到8月。

▲紐西蘭總理阿爾登po出臺灣機器生產口罩影片。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Jacinda Ardern)

阿爾登在接受《1 News》連線專訪時,強調臺灣、新加坡香港「這些國家都控制住了疫情」,相信紐西蘭也能做到。

她日前在時事評論節目問與答」(Q+A)中更大讚臺灣防疫,「我們將要相當緊密地跟隨臺灣模式,他們(臺灣當局)針對公衆集會所建立的因應架構,是相當成功的。」她還向《紐西蘭前鋒報》(The New Zealand Herald)解釋,本國之所以至今尚未下令中、小學停課,同樣是因爲比照臺灣模式。


▼ 紐西蘭總理阿爾登(Jacinda Ardern)。(圖/路透



I’ll admit, I have watched this video more than once. This is a factory in Whanganui churning out face masks to help keep our essential service workers safe. They can produce at least 80,000 masks a day (including those our frontline health workers need) and with new machinery due in coming weeks and months they will be able to double production. Add to that the 18million masks we already have in our national reserves and we’re well stocked. The Ministry of Health is working to get those distributed as we speak (more than 600,000 went out to DHBs yesterday). In the meantime, enjoy watching them roll off the line right here in NZ