雜誌精選》春節連假出國旅遊旺 先學航班、登機口英文怎麼說

雜誌精選》春節連假出國旅遊旺 先學航班、登機口英文怎麼說(示意圖/shutterstock達志影像)




I arrived at the airport two hours before my flight to make sure I had enough time to check in and go through security.(我在航班起飛前兩個小時到達機場,以確保我有足夠的時間辦理登機手續並通過安檢。)

After passing through security, I made my way to the terminal where I would be catching my flight to New York City.(在通過安檢之後,我前往我的航廈以搭乘前往紐約市的班機。)

在機場報到(check-in)完成後,旅客會拿到登機證(boarding pass),上面記載着航班號碼(flight number)、登機口(boarding gate)等資訊。


I went to the wrong boarding gate and had to run to the correct one just in time to catch my flight.(我走錯了登機口,要即時跑到對的才能搭上飛機。)

The boarding gate for my flight was announced over the airport intercom, so I gathered my belongings and headed to the designated area.(我的航班登機口是通過機場廣播公告了,所以我收拾好了行李並前往指定區域。)


出境(departure)與入境(arrival)的後方搭配大廳(hall)或大門(gate),就是departure hall「出境大廳」與arrival hall「入境大廳」,兩處都要經過安檢(security)。

I made sure to arrive at the departure hall at least 30 minutes before my flight to allow time for boarding.(我確保至少在航班起飛前30分鐘抵達出境大廳,以便有時間登機。)

商務人士在出差(go on a business trip)時通常不會帶太多行李(baggage/luggage),要特別注意的是這個單字爲不可數名詞,量詞要搭配a piece of(件)。

而各航空針對旅客攜帶行李都有不同限制,但通常可以帶一件手持行李(carry-on),並規定尺寸要能放置於頭頂置物櫃(overhead bin/compartment)內,下飛機後要去行李提領處(baggage claim)領回自己的行李。

After arriving at the airport, I headed to the baggage claim area to retrieve my suitcase.(在抵達機場後,我前往行李提領區域取回我的行李箱。)

I carefully placed my carry-on bag in the overhead compartment after finding my seat on the plane.(在找到我的飛機座位之後,我小心翼翼地將手提行李放在上方的置物櫃中。)


航班有許多種類,例如direct flight「直飛航班」、non-stop flight「直達航班」,兩者差異在於direct flight在抵達目的地之前,通常會停留一個至多個轉機點,讓部分乘客下機或轉機。non-stop flight則是同一航班一路坐到目的地,中途不會有轉機、下機加油等問題,但直達航班的價格往往是較昂貴,因爲最省時也最適合商務客。

深夜起飛的red-eye flight「紅眼班機」,通常早上會抵達目的地,因爲晚上睡不好,所以眼睛會泛紅,因此稱爲紅眼班機。最後,connecting flight「轉機航班」,因爲是連結出發地與目的地的班機,所以用connecting稱呼。因爲轉機造成在機場處的等待,則稱爲layover「(飛行途中的)短暫停留」。

I had a long layover in Chicago before my flight to Los Angeles, so I decided to explore the airport and grab a bite.(我在飛往洛杉磯前在芝加哥有個很長的候機時間,所以我決定要去探索一下機場,並吃點東西。)

The layover for my connecting flight was only 45 minutes, so I had to hurry to make it to the next gate on time.(我中途轉機的時間僅有45分鐘,所以我要匆忙準時趕往下一個登機口。)


1. I can't believe I left my passport in the _______ claim area at the airport. I hope it's still there when I get back.

(A) baggage

(B) check-in

(C) security

(D) departures

2. I had to put my luggage in the overhead _______ on the train because there was no room in the seats.

(A) compartment

(B) platform

(C) station

(D) route


1. 正解爲(A)。題意爲「我不敢相信我把護照遺失在行李提領區,我希望我回來時它還在那裡。」雖然(B)報到,(C)安檢,(D)出境,三個選項都跟機場有關,但因爲空格後方是claim「認領」,只能選baggage「行李」,故(A)爲正解。

2. 正解爲(A)。題意爲「在火車上,我需要把行李放在頭上的置物櫃中,因爲座位上沒有空間了。」(B)月臺,(C)車站,(D)路線,overhead compartment「座位上方行李置物櫃」符合句意,故(A)爲正解。
